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FootZonology® is the study and the science of the signal system on the feet.  The signal system on the feet are light vessels which are directly connected to the DNA code in every cell of the body and from the DNA-code to our inner blueprint.

This includes ZoneBalance® and

Zone Analysis.

ZoneBalance® helps you become your true self and what you were meant to be.

ZoneBalance® is a method which​

reconnects the broken connection and

balances and repairs unfavorable imprints in the DNA code and reconnects with the inner blueprint. It renews our cells in line with our inner blueprint, raising the body’s life energy and awareness. It also balances our four lower bodies into alignment with our blueprint.

ZoneAnalysis is a method to see or feel the present condition and notice where the DNA-Code is disconnected from the inner blueprint.  In ZoneAnalysis, disturbances from food, chemicals, heavy metals, food additives, and even viruses, parasites, and fungus. It can even detect emotional and mental formations. 

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